Wednesday 6 August 2014

Students observe Hiroshima Day

Children of the Springs International School observed the Hiroshima Day on Wednesday by organising various functions.
They took out an anti-war rally through Nilambur town.
They took a pledge against killing the human race. Many of them offered their solidarity with the people of Palestine.
They took a pledge against war after the rally. School head girl Bahiya administered the pledge.
 The students commemorated the victims of the Second World War by lighting candles. They organised a photo exhibition and distributed pamphlets condemning wars.

Principal K. Anas, Vice Principal Fatima Kutty, faculty members Sobha G. Nair, Shamim Segal, Akbar Ali, K. Vinod, Sharafuddin, Abdul Nazar, and Rajeesh Kumar led the programme.

To See the News in The Hindu ..Click here


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